3 Top Tips for Beating the Math Blues

Jan 26, 2025

How's your math doing this homeschool year? Are you and your kiddos slogging through the latest math curriculum? Do the kids suffer from the all too common math fears and phobias?

Any math disabilities?

Way too often, math is presented in a lockstep painful incremental way that bores or scares most kids into hating math for the rest of their lives. It's a wonder that math education hasn't changed much in the last decades. It's a wonder that most parents feel chained to a math curriculum for every grade.

Here are some suggestions for not only beating the math blues, but also wiping away those math workbook tears, frustrations, phobias, fears and disabilities.

Tip #1 - Gamify math.

Gamify math concepts using free online games and free Teachers Pay Teachers downloadable games. Many homeschool parents have found this secret and it can work WONDERS for learns of all ages.

Struggling to memorize those pesky multiplication tables? Forgetful of the quadratic equation? Instead of banging you and your kiddos heads into the latest dry workbook or curriculum, speed up the learning through games. After all, the language of childhood learning IS play!

Tip #2 - Deschool math.

WHAT? Yes. Does your family struggle through every single math curriculum you try to force them through? Simply stop using math curriculum that isn't serving your family! I know. This is like taking a big leap off of a giant cliff to most parents. I get it. It took me decades as a classroom teacher to finally have the courage to let go of how math is taught in schools and drop traditional math teaching.

Did you know that all of math can be learned through games, music, delight-led through projects and everyday life such as cooking? I kid you not. It's called unschooling.

Not ready to unschool math?

How about...

Tip #3 - Unit study math.

That's right, even math can be covered in unit studies. In fact, my Geometric Beauty of Snowflakes unit study is a great start this winter to see math everywhere around you including in the mathematical beauty and wonder of snowflakes.

Math is found everywhere. Following a child's interests through unit studies will always naturally include math. It's a matter of learning to see math everywhere.

Here's my FREE patterns in nature template set. These can help you learn to see math everywhere.

Lastly, here's one of my most helpful free math workshops, How to Rock Your Homeschool Math with Real Life Connections.

This workshop, which is under an hour, is about learning to deschool math, and much rather, learn math through everyday connections found naturally in a child's interests. The best way to learn math is through real life applications!

What better way for a child to learn math then found right in their greatest interests where they're already naturally learning!

Got questions about making math more fun, interesting and practical in your homeschool?

Hit reply and I'll answer within 24 hours.

Talk Soon,

Gloria Brooks aka NatureGlo