How to Gameschool Math
Are you struggling through homeschool math this year? Does your child cry over their math workbook or virtual program they MUST complete everyday?
Click here and watch my video “How To Gameschool Math.” I share my top tips that will get you up and running today!
If you’re ready to throw in the towel with homeschooling math, you’re not alone. Traditional math learning is no picnic for most kids and their parents. On top of that, if you or your partner struggled with math in school and yet carry the baggage of math anxiety, that too gets added to the daily math dramas.
Enter Gameschooling math. Gameschooling math could save not just the day, but, the homeschool math year.
One of my MathArt students used Minecraft, a virtual game that kids naturally love and gravitate towards, to create a Fibonacci spiral.
I can hear you now:
“We don’t have time for games. We’re barely getting through the daily grind of math as it is.”
“I hate playing games, how am I going to convince my kids to play math games?”
“How is playing games going to help me cover all the math academics I’m required to report?”
I get you and I’ve got you covered.
Click here and watch my video, “How To Gameschool Math”.
I’d love to hear your feedback about it.
Share this with me in the comments below: Are you ready to start Gameschooling math, even as a supplement to your current curriculum?
Don’t worry about completely Gameschooling math, just start with doing a game per week and build up to playing once per day, if you can.
Gloria Brooks aka NatureGlo