10 Best Science Unit Studies for Homeschool
Homeschool science unit study preparation doesn't have to be painstakingly hard. In fact, they can be as easy as getting some favorite topical science books out at the library and watching some follow up YouTube videos.
My favorite way to start any unit study is with a cozy storybook read aloud about the topic. All humans, young and old, learn best and are inspired through stories. I'll be giving you some unit study storybook starters in the post below.
Next, projects and activities can be as simple as getting inspiration from the books and videos themselves. Finally, homeschoolers can use materials already on hand from around the house to create the unit study projects and activities.
It's also a great help to set up a free online library account so that you have unlimited access to books without having to rely on trucking books back and forth to the library. It does lose the touch and smell of real books, but, at least the content is at your fingertips.
My favorite online library is the free Archive.org. You merely have to set up a free account. I'd suggest doing that to get the most out of this post so that you can peruse the books I suggest per unit study.
Here are some of the 10 best science unit studies for homeschool.
Feel free to add your family's favorite science unit study topics to your own list. This is a good start for most homeschoolers.
#1 - The Child’s Favorite Science Topic
This should be obvious, but, whatever science your child is most interested in learning, start there. Not to say that the rest of the topics below won't be interesting to your child, but, it's always wise focus on learning whatever the child is most passionate about and already has an interest in.
#2 - Space
Many children are fascinated by the cosmos and everything space related. If they aren't to begin with, start with books from the library and some cool YouTube videos to whet their interest.
Below are some great supporting books that you can check out from the library or use from my favorite online library, archive.org. All of the books listed below are from Archive.org and you can click through them for free online.
Space and the solar system unit study supporting books:
Space Storytime Video for ages 2 - 12
Space Story for all Ages
3 - Dinosaurs
Many folks think that dinosaurs are only studied by youngers, but, I beg to differ. Children both young and older dig digging into learning about dinosaurs. There's always some new science learned about the dinosaurs from the latest fossil discoveries
- Dinosaurs
- Earth Science - Rocks & Minerals, volcanoes
- Ocean - mention NeS Sharks & Sea Turtles bundle
- Weather
- Human Body
- Animals - Cats, dogs, owls, horses
- Holidays - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas
- Plants